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CCX Troubleshooting Guide

This guide helps you troubleshoot and resolve common issues in CCX. Follow the steps outlined below to diagnose problems and apply fixes.

CCX Error Report

To generate an error report of CCX services and components within a Kubernetes environment, follow these steps:

# Ensure your current Kubernetes context is set to the CCX namespace as example below.
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=ccx

# Step 1: Download the error report script

# Step 2: Make the script executable
chmod +x

# Step 3: Run the script to collect logs

Attach the generated .tar.gz file to the CCX support ticket.

Long-Running or Stuck Datastore

Clusters may get stuck in a locked state if a job is interrupted unexpectedly. Use the following steps to resolve hanging jobs: Note that ccxctl is available from version 1.50+.

# Step 1: Run `ccxctl` by executing inside the stores pod.
kubectl exec -it deployment/ccx-stores-service -- sh

# Step 2: Check the datastore state and get the job-id in field `Active Job:`
ccxctl datastore state <datastore-id>

# Output Example:
# Active Job: 2e3fe81b-2fd9-40f0-b561-a40f9fded92

# Step 3: Check the job state using the job-id from the output
ccxctl job state <job-id>

# Step 4: Mark the job as failed if it is stuck
ccxctl job kill <job-id>

# Step 5: Unlock the datastore after resolving the job
ccxctl datastore unlock <datastore-id>

Inconsistent Hosts

If a create datastore or add node job terminates unexpectedly, some hosts might become inconsistent. This can leave dangling resources in the cloud or mismatches between CCX and controllers.

Orphaned Resources (on Cloud Provider Side)

Inconsistent Hosts

# Identify inconsistent hosts in the datastore
ccxctl datastore state <datastore-id>

# Delete the inconsistent host to resolve it
ccxctl host delete <host-id>

Inconsistent Datastore

If a datastore is stuck in a "deleting" state or needs to be forcefully removed, use the following command:

# Force delete the datastore and all associated resources
ccxctl datastore delete <datastore-id>


This command deletes all associated resources, including:
- Cloud resources
- SSH keys
- Credentials

This actions are irreversible. Use caution when applying above commands.

Cluster in Readonly State

CCX will fix this issue automatically in version 1.51+. For prior versions, navigate to the CC UI:

  • Clusters -> Select Datastore ID -> Nodes -> Actions -> Toggle Readonly to disable Disable readonly for the nodes that are labeled Readonly.

Disk Autoscaling Issues

Disk autoscaling is enabled by default in CCX. The system will automatically increase the storage size by 20% when the used space exceeds 75% of the allocated storage

CCX UI Configuration:

Navigate to Datastore UUID -> Settings -> Auto scaling storage size and ensure the toggle is set to ON.

Monitoring Alert:

To check alerts for disk space scaling, run the following command:

kubectl port-forward alertmanager-0 19093:9093

Then, open your browser and go to http://localhost:19093. Search for the alert alertname="HostAutoScaleDiskSpaceReached" by choosing the receiver as Receiver: webhook-alerts.

Troubleshooting Datastore Backups Failing

To debug failed datastore backups:

Method 1: Using CC UI

  1. Log in to the CC UI at the URL specified in the ccFQDN field of your Helm values.
  2. Navigate to:
    • Clusters -> Select Datastore ID -> Backups -> Actions -> Logs

Method 2: Using CLI Commands

Use the following commands inside the cmon-master container:

# Access the cmon-master container
kubectl exec -it cmon-master-0 -- bash

# List all jobs
s9s job --list

# Get logs for a specific job
s9s job --job-id=NNN --log

The s9s job commands are useful for diagnosing why a backup failed.

Troubleshooting CCX Database Logs Visibility

If database logs are not visible, ensure the following to upgrade the ccxdeps:

# Step 1: Verify ccxdeps-loki service exist and pod is running.
kubectl get svc | grep ccxdeps-loki
kubectl get pods | grep ccxdeps-loki-gateway

# If the above service is not running, then update the ccxdeps
# Step 2: Update and Deploy ccxdeps charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install ccxdeps s9s/ccxdeps --debug

Troubleshooting Metrics Scraping in VictoriaMetrics

If metrics are not being scraped or targets are unreachable, ensure to deploy our embedded monitoring stack:

# Step 1: Update and deploy ccxdeps Helm chart
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install ccxdeps s9s/ccxdeps --debug

# Step 2: Verify Metrics in VictoriaMetrics Targets
#Forward the port for the VictoriaMetrics deployment:

kubectl port-forward deployments/victoria-metrics 18428:8428

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:18428/. Click on Targets and ensure the cmon-sd active targets are in the Up state.

If no scrape targets are not found, the issue may be due to exporters not running on the datastore servers.

# If exporters are not running inside datastores, then deploy agents commands
kubectl exec -it cmon-master-0 -- bash
s9s cluster --cluster-id=<cluster-id> --deploy-agents --log

MySQL Operator Failover, Adding Nodes, and Scaling Mechanism


Failover Mechanism is fully managed by the operator. The operator monitors MySQL instances for health and availability. If a primary pod fails, the operator promotes one of the replicas to primary.

Adding Nodes

Adding nodes can be done by updating the mysql-innodbcluster.serverInstances. The operator automatically provisions and configures the new node.


The ability to scale storage depends on the underlying storage class and its capabilities in the Kubernetes environment. The MySQL Operator itself will not automatically scale storage. Instead, you would need to specify values in to a larger size and redeploy.

MySQL Operator InnoDB Pod Stuck in Terminating State

Sometimes the MySQL InnoDB Cluster pod is stuck due to issues preventing graceful termination of the pod, such as node deletion. In such cases, the pod is stuck in the terminating state. This can be overcome by removing the finalizer from the pod's metadata, and the pod will be in a ready state again. Recovery:

kubectl patch pod <mysql-pod-name> -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge

MySQL and Postgres Operator Backup and Restore Validation

MySQL Operator Backup Validation

To ensure backup validation:

  • Verify the backup pod status (e.g., ccxdeps-ccx-s3-backup-schedule2412121705-dk6mt) is Succeeded.
  • Check that the CronJob (e.g., ccxdeps-ccx-s3-backup-schedule-cb) is enabled and active.

Command to check logs:

kubectl logs -l name=mysql-operator

Example logs:

[2024-12-13 05:00:04,729] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] Initializing MySQL Backup job name=ccxdeps-ccx-s3-backup-schedule241213050004 namespace=ccx

Additionally, view objects stored on S3 storage for confirmation.

MySQL Operator Restore Validation

Check the logs in the MySQL operator pod to validate restoration:

kubectl logs -l name=mysql-operator

Example logs:

[2024-12-13 05:25:54,871] kopf.objects         [INFO    ] on_spec
[2024-12-13 05:25:54,876] kopf.objects [INFO ] old={'backupProfiles': [{'dumpInstance': {'storage': {'s3': {'bucketName': 'mysql-backup-s3-ccx', 'config': 's3-secret', 'endpoint': '', 'prefix': '/ccx-backup', 'profile': 'default'}}}, 'name': 's3-backup'}], 'backupSchedules': [{'backupProfileName': 's3-backup', 'deleteBackupData': False, 'enabled': True, 'name': 'ccx-s3-backup-schedule', 'schedule': '*/30 * * * *'}], 'baseServerId': 1000, 'datadirVolumeClaimTemplate': {'resources': {'requests': {'storage': '20Gi'}}}, 'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent', 'instances': 1, 'mycnf': '[mysqld]\nbinlog_expire_logs_seconds=604800\n', 'podSpec': {'containers': [{'name': 'mysql', 'resources': {'requests': {'memory': '2048Mi'}}}]}, 'router': {'instances': 1}, 'secretName': 'ccxdeps-cluster-secret', 'serviceAccountName': 'ccxdeps-sa', 'tlsUseSelfSigned': True, 'version': '9.1.0'}
[2024-12-13 05:25:54,877] kopf.objects [INFO ] new={'backupProfiles': [{'dumpInstance': {'storage': {'s3': {'bucketName': 'mysql-backup-s3-ccx', 'config': 's3-secret', 'endpoint': '', 'prefix': '/ccx-backup', 'profile': 'default'}}}, 'name': 's3-backup'}], 'backupSchedules': [{'backupProfileName': 's3-backup', 'deleteBackupData': False, 'enabled': True, 'name': 'ccx-s3-backup-schedule', 'schedule': '*/30 * * * *'}], 'baseServerId': 1000, 'datadirVolumeClaimTemplate': {'resources': {'requests': {'storage': '20Gi'}}}, 'imagePullPolicy': 'IfNotPresent', 'initDB': {'dump': {'name': 'initdb-dump', 'storage': {'s3': {'bucketName': 'mysql-backup-s3-ccx', 'config': 's3-secret', 'endpoint': '', 'prefix': '/ccx-backup/ccxdeps-ccx-s3-backup-schedule241212170005', 'profile': 'default'}}}}, 'instances': 1, 'mycnf': '[mysqld]\nbinlog_expire_logs_seconds=604800\n', 'podSpec': {'containers': [{'name': 'mysql', 'resources': {'requests': {'memory': '2048Mi'}}}]}, 'router': {'instances': 1}, 'secretName': 'ccxdeps-cluster-secret', 'serviceAccountName': 'ccxdeps-sa', 'tlsUseSelfSigned': True, 'version': '9.1.0'}
[2024-12-13 05:25:54,995] kopf.objects [INFO ] Fields handled. Time to submit the patches to K8s API!
[2024-12-13 05:25:55,001] kopf.objects [INFO ] Handler 'on_spec/spec' succeeded.

Zalando Postgres Operator Backup Validation

Validate backups in PostgreSQL pods:

kubectl exec -it acid-ccx-0 -- bash
envdir "/run/etc/wal-e.d/env" wal-g backup-list

Also, confirm objects stored on S3 storage.

Zalando Postgres Operator Restore Validation

Check restore logs:

kubectl logs -l cluster-name=acid-ccx

Example logs:

2024-12-13 04:05:06,097 INFO: trying to bootstrap a new cluster
2024-12-13 04:05:06,098 INFO: Running custom bootstrap script: envdir "/run/etc/wal-e.d/env-clone-acid-ccx" python3 /scripts/ --recovery-target-time="2024-12-13T03:00:00+00:00"
2024-12-13 04:05:06,230 INFO: Trying s3://postgresql/spilo/acid-ccx/wal/14/ for clone
2024-12-13 04:05:06,290 INFO: cloning cluster acid-ccx using wal-g backup-fetch /home/postgres/pgdata/pgroot/data base_000000010000000000000002

MySQL Operator InnoDB Cluster Pod NFS Mount Issue

When using NFS as a volume provisioner, NFS servers map requests from unprivileged users to the 'nobody' user on the server, which may result in specific directories being owned by 'nobody'. Containers cannot modify these permissions. Therefore, it's necessary to enable root_squash on the NFS server to allow proper access.

DNS Records Are Not Updated/Synced

When a datastore is created, service records of the ExternalName type are created, for example: usr-a1b3aaec-0f58-4347-80ab-27e386af2208-primary-svc

kubectl describe svc usr-a1b3aaec-0f58-4347-80ab-27e386af2208-primary-svc

Annotations specify the hostname managed by an external DNS provider. The DNS record for this service should point to the corresponding To verify if the DNS records are created or updated properly:

Check DNS Records Using a Dig Command

Run the following command to query the DNS:

dig +short

Replace the domain with the specific record you want to check.

Verify in the External DNS Provider

Check the DNS management console of your external DNS provider. Ensure that the records are listed as expected.

Inspect Logs for External-DNS

If you are using an external-dns controller, check its logs for errors or issues:

kubectl logs deployment/external-dns

Access Exporter Metrics

To access metrics securely, you can inspect the automatically generated rules in the Ingress resource and access the metrics via HTTPS.

Inspect the Rules in the Ingress and access the metrics securely via HTTPS:

  • Identify the ingress resource corresponding to your exporter. For example, the ingress name will follow the format usr-<storeID>-ingress.
  • Use the command to view the rules for the metrics ingress.
kubectl get ingress -o json 2> /dev/null| jq -r '.items[] | .spec.rules[] | .host as $host | .http.paths[] | ( $host + .path)' | sort | grep metrics

This command will show the ingress url for accessing metrics.