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List of current limitations.


It is currently not possible to put the K8s in maintenance mode, i.e e.g to prevent deployments to start, etc for a given period of time


Currently, namespaces and corresponding cluster DNS names are set within the assemblies.

Automatic error handling

Currently, if a node fails or a VM fails, then CMON attempts to do cluster/node recovery. User can add a new node and remove the faulty node in multi-node configurations.

CCX configuration

cmon.db.user and cmon.db.password.

The cmon.db.user and the cmon.db.password is used to authenticate to both:

  • cmon database
  • datastores

Extreme care must be taken to change the cmon.user and cmon.password at runtime/during the lifecycle to prevent access denied to either part. The password is not applied on the either the CMON database or the datastores. Please contact CCX Support before changing these properties on a running system.

The sets the mysql_hostname property in cmon.cnf and specifies the location of the cmon database. However, each datastore also has mysql_hostname set in /etc/cmon.d/cmon_X.cnf, where X is the cluster id of the datastore. Updating the property requires tha the mysql_hostname is updated in cmon.cnf and in all cmon_X.cnf files. Please contact CCX Support before changing these properties on a running system.