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Terraform provider

The CCX Terraform provider allows to create datastores on all supported clouds. The CCX Terraform provider project is hosted on github.

Oauth2 credentials

Oauth2 credentials are used to authenticate the CCX Terraform provider with CCX. You can generate these credentials on the Account page Authorization tab. Create creds And then you will see: Created creds

Terraform provider


  • Terraform 0.13.x or later

Quick Start

  1. Create Oauth2 credentials.
  2. Create a
  3. Set client_id, client_secret, below is a file:
terraform {
required_providers {
ccx = {
source = "severalnines/ccx"
version = "~> 0.3.1"

provider "ccx" {
client_id = `client_id`
client_secret = `client_secret`

resource "ccx_datastore" "luna_postgres" {
name = "luna"
size = 1
db_vendor = "postgres"
tags = ["new", "test"]
cloud_provider = "aws"
cloud_region = "eu-north-1"
instance_size = "m5.large"
volume_size = 80
volume_type = "gp2"
network_type = "public"

Then run:

  • terraform init
  • terraform apply

Login to CCX and watch the datastore being deployed.


Optionally you can create a VPC (supported by AWS)

resource "ccx_vpc" "venus" {
vpc_name = "venus"
vpc_cloud_provider = "aws"
vpc_cloud_region = "eu-north-1"
vpc_ipv4_cidr = ""

In that case set:

    network_type = "private"
network_vpc_uuid =

in the resource "ccx_datastore" section, see also

Advanced Usage

Database Parameters

Database parameters can be configured for the cluster by using the block db_params inside the ccx_datastore block as follows:

db_params {
sql_mode = "STRICT"

The parameters will depend on the database vendor and version. Refer to the Settings > DB Parameters section for a list of available parameters.

Firewall Settings

Firewall settings can be configured for the cluster by using the block firewall inside the ccx_datastore block as follows:

firewall {
source = "x.x.x.x/32"
description = "description here"

firewall {
source = "y.y.y.y/32"
description = "description here"

You may add multiple firewall blocks to allow multiple IP addresses.


Notifications can be configured for the cluster by including the following blocks inside the ccx_datastore block:

notifications_enabled = true # or false
notifications_emails = ["", ""] #

Maintenance Settings

Maintenance settings can be configured for the cluster by including the following blocks inside the ccx_datastore block:

maintenance_day_of_week = 2 # 1-7, 1 is Monday
maintenance_start_hour = 2 # 0-23
maintenance_end_hour = 4

Scaling the cluster

Scaling the cluster can be done by changing the size parameter in the ccx_datastore block. When downscaling, the oldest non-primary node will be removed.